Kedarnath travels is the leading one way cab providing company in Uttarkhand. We offer Haridwar to Ludhiana taxi at very economical cost. The distance between these two cities is around 290 kilometre and it takes around 6 hours to compete this journey. We have been providing reliable, professional shuttle service in the Haridwar area since 2010. We know just how much you value credibility and professionalism and it for this reason that you can count on us to work to suit your travel needs for Haridwar to Ludhiana taxi.

Haridwar to Ludhiana taxi always high in quality because we don’t compromise on the quality of cab we always make sure that all the cab which are provide to our customers are always neat and clean and well maintained. Kedarnath travels have advance and modern model of all vehicles.
Haridwar to Ludhiana taxi cost
- Haridwar to Ludhiana taxi booking sedan:- 5000 Rs
- Haridwar to Ludhiana cab fare SUV:- 7500 rs
Why Choose Us?
- We are professional, flexible and comfortable one way taxi company is based in the heart of Haridwar.
- We constantly improving our services and quality in order to meet the needs of our customers.
- At Haridwar to Ludhiana cab we believe in customer satisfaction and try our best to meet the customer satisfaction.
We first focus on user safety along with comfort. All cabs are tested and examined on a regular interval basis to make sure vehicles are in good condition with all valid required documents. We are offering the best rates for Haridwar to Ludhiana taxi and we are available 24/7 to serve you always. We offer Taxi cab booking online just call us at 9878009545.